Last week I had my final beamtime for my postdoc work at the APS at Argonne Nat'l Labs. It was a really fun one with Liz Roepke & Josh Torgeson joining from Cara Santelli's group at U of MN. We got some beautiful XAFS spectra from 12-BM and as I start processing & comparing the data I'm getting more & more excited about this research (as if I weren't excited about it already).
In other news, summer if flying by WAY too quickly. So much to do & so little time! At the same time, though, I can't wait to move to Lexington -- for a lot of reasons, but one of the main reasons is that I've convinced the family we need to get goats. To be honest, it didn't take much convincing. This blog may become overrun with goat pictures once we get them, and for that I apologize (sorry not sorry) in advance.